Renewable gas injection to gas grid
Bio-CNG for Trucks
Gas Distribution and Transmission
UK regulatory regime
CNG Virtual Pipelines
MA (Oxon) – Engineering Science
Managing Director
John started his career as a graduate engineer in British Gas and BGE&P and worked on projects including South Morecambe, CATS and Armada. He then worked in Transco looking after the National Transmission System (NTS) in the period 1995 – 98 when many of the first wave of CCGTs were built as well as the UK-Continent Interconnector and a £350 Million expansion of the NTS. He has been President of the SBGI (Society of British Gas Industries, now known as the EUA) and is a former Chairman of the Renewable Energy Association Biogas Group. His company CNG Services Ltd is a niche EPC Contractor and consultant in biomethane and hydrogen. John is also a Director of CNG Fuels who are building a national network of Bio-CNG filling stations connected to the high pressure gas grid and is a Director of Barrow Shipping Ltd which is the leading shipper focused on renewable gases. He has 39 years experience in the gas industry, fossil and renewable
Renewable gas injection to gas grid
Bio-CNG for Trucks
Gas Distribution and Transmission
UK regulatory regime
CNG Virtual Pipelines
MA (Oxon) – Engineering Science
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