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CNG Refinery CNG Refinery CNG Refinery

Biomethane to grid

CNG Services Ltd provides design, consultancy, and project management services for all your biomethane and biogas project requirements. We are experts in the financial incentives available for renewable methane used as a vehicle fuel or for injection into the gas grid.

With an in-depth knowledge of the regulatory requirements and technologies of biomethane production, we can ensure a smooth transition from drawing board to commissioning in all project stages.

Our clients include major UK water companies and renewable energy investors

CNG Refinery

CNG Services provides the following range of services:

  • Gas clean-up design
  • Project management
  • Enrichment to gas grid specification
  • Plant commissioning including testing, first flow, and performance testing
  • Injection to the gas grid (gas quality monitoring, connection pipeline)
  • Negotiations with gas grid operators (Network Entry Agreement)
  • Support in relation to gas price negotiations with gas suppliers
  • Advice on relative economics and CO2 performance of all utilisation options

We offer a FREE gas grid and capacity check, just fill in our contact form

CNG Refinery CNG Refinery CNG Refinery

Connecting to the Gas Grid

As part of our support to potential biomethane projects, we have access to all gas Grid Network Maps owned by Cadent, Wales & West Utilities, Northern Gas Networks, and Scotia Gas Networks (including Southern Gas Networks). With access to these Gas Grid Maps, we are now offering a free service to assist clients with determining if there are suitable gas pipelines in the area. We will provide Satellite and gas grid view maps showing the closest connections and pressure of gas mains in the area of interest. Once connection points have been identified, we can also progress the query directly with the Grid owners for confirmation of pipeline capacity to ensure your project has the opportunity to go down the biomethane to grid route.

CNG Services can offer a full connection design and construction service at any network pressure. For further details see the Pipelines section.

Once you’re connected, the biomethane needs to be shipped by a licensed gas shipper. Barrow Shipping Ltd is the UK’s only 100% biomethane shipper and is focused on meeting the specific needs of the biomethane sector – for more information visit the Barrow Shipping website.


Natural Gas contains around 90% methane, the remaining 10% is a mixture of ethane, butane, propane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and many other trace constituents. Biogas from an anaerobic digester typically contains 65% methane and 35% carbon dioxide but with suitable processing, the carbon dioxide can be removed resulting in a gas stream that contains up to 96% methane… Biomethane. A clean, simple, and renewable energy source.

CNG refinery station
CNG Refinery

If you want to use your anaerobic digester to produce and use biomethane, CNG Services are uniquely placed to steer you through the many technologies available. Our team has many years of experience in gas processing, CHP, gas quality, gas grid connections and in negotiating gas sales agreements. We are also experts in biomethane as a vehicle fuel in both liquid and compressed forms.


Case Studies



Please fill in the contact form below and a member of the team will be in touch with you shortly.